Guiding your Aspirations.

Client Details

Client:Real Estate Developer Category: Business Plan for New University

Real Estate Devloper wanted to strat a new Univesity.

The client wanted to start a new Univesity, in conjuction with a reputed US univesity. The University was to focus on Sustainablity. The client wanted us to do a Business plan for the new University to be submitted to the Prominent US university for approval We collected secondary data from many sources and Primary data from other research sources. We analayse the demand for the proposed courses We also did a very detailed financial plan which can help the client figure out the investment required and the returns.

Client Details

Client:Top real estate developer Category: Innovative School Deisgn

School design for the first waldrof curriculum school in Middle East

The Client is a top luxury real esatte developer. They had an Early learning centre with the steiner or Waldrof curriculum. They wanted to expand it to a school. We were conducted to do the financial plan, the academic plan and deisgn for the school. The project was unique because the curriculum which is Steiner/Waldrof does not have any existing school in the whole of Middle East. Also as per the Waldrof curiculum which is unique does not allow any computer or modern technology in its currculum. The school was deisgned with taking nature and local materials into consideration. We did the design for the school which would be made of local eartly materials and each class room was supposed to be a dome shaped. To utilze the natural coooling system and to use tarditional materials. The sun path trough the day and the year were studied so that The best use of shadows and passive cooling could be used. there was a tream deisgned ot flow trough the school. Areas for animal care was also assigned. We also did the Academic plan for the school. /

Client Details

Client:School Operator Category: School Management Operator Business Plan

School Management Company

The client Who owns three school in UAE, Was considering starting a school amnagement company to manage schools for other investors. We were manadated to study the market and create a business plan, which will help the school onwers to start a School Management Company to operate or manage schools for other investors. We did an anyysis of the existing comptition, What were the operating models presenly in prctise in the market. What kind of contrats are prevelent in the market. We also did a detiled Financial plan wiht detsils of hwo many schools can be taken up to manage. Also the market entry stratgey was defined