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Purpose of the Business plan

When starting a new business or expanding an existing one, a business plan is a crucial document that serves as a roadmap for success. A well-crafted business plan not only outlines the company's mission, vision, and goals, but it also provides a comprehensive overview of the organization's financial, marketing, and operational strategies. This is where business plan services come into play. A business plan is a template for the success of your business.

To what end do you need to get buisness plan consultants to do a comprehensive plan

The business plan would serve various purpose

  • For validating the idea - You need professional help to check if the idea you have for the new buisness is viable or non viable.
  • For raising funds from investors or from bank. - When you approarch an investor to invest into your idea, they would demand a professional done plan. We as Business plan writers would create a professionally written plan or investment deck to share with potentail investors or financial institutes like banks.
    The requirments by banks would be different from that of private investors whose requirements from a professional invetsmnet house. We create buisiness plan as per who the target audience is. The format required by a bank would be different from Private investors or professional investors. We can write buisness plan as per the requirment of the investing agency for a bank like Emirates Bank.
  • For Approval from regulators - We as Business plan consultants would create a well researched plan which will get you the approval from regulators. The regulators would have their parameters for the sucess of the venture. IF those are not met, the application for approval from the regulators may not be gained.
  • To understand the investment required - Many new ventures have started and did well and have good sales, But they fail. Why? More sales would mean more money required to service the orders. The amount of money need to sustain the business with out immediate cash flow need to be calculated.
  • To get Approbal from Funding agencies like Mohamed Bin Rashid fund in Dubai for SME MBRF or Khalifa Fund for Enterprise development IN Abu Dhabi Khalifa Fund - Funds Like MBRF or KHAlifa Fund Do fund new ventures, They require a well written plan in the format they have. We have Sucessfully done business plan writing for new ventures to get fund from ? More sales would mean more money required to service the orders. .

Who are the target audience for the Business Plan

  1. Bank Manager - Bank manager who will be approving your loans.
  2. Financial analyst - Financial analyst at invetsment house who would be also looking at many other such plans, So your plan be well written and well researched .
  3. Partners- Your potential partners who are going on the journey with you.
  4. Angel Investors- The inital Investors who would belive in your idea and invest in you.
  5. Senior Employees - Senior Employyes who may wish to come on the journey wiht you, either as partners or as employee .
  6. Head of Accounting - Your Head of accounting who may Need the plan to calculate funds required and arrnage them .

Components of a Business plan

A Professional business plan typically includes the following components:

  1. Executive Summary: This section provides an overview of the entire business plan, including the company's mission, vision, and objectives.
  2. Market Feasibility: Market Feasibility Analysis is an important part of the business planning process. It helps to determine whether there is a demand for the product or service that the project proposes to offer. Market research a large part of this which includes includes analyzing the target market, determining the size of the market, identifying the competition, and assessing the market trends. ,
  3. Company Structure : This section outlines the company's history, ownership structure, legal status, location, and management structure, management profile.

  4. Legal and regulatory Approvals: What would be the regulatory approvals required, The steps to be taken, the time frames for the same and investment required .

  5. Product or Service Description: This section describes the company's product or service, including its unique features, benefits, and competitive advantage.
  6. Analyis : Various analyis conucted on the data collected. PESTLE Analyis , Porter 5 forces Analyis , SWOT Analyis , Risk Analyis .

  7. Business Model: A model why the business exists and how it provides value in the market and why the business should exist. This could be explained by a Business canvas model .
  8. Branding and Marketing Strategy: This section outlines the company's marketing strategy, Marketing planning, including pricing, promotions, distribution, and customer acquisition.
  9. Operations and Management: This section describes the day-to-day operations of the company, including production, logistics, and human resources.
  10. Financial Plan: This section provides a detailed financial analysis of the company, including projected revenue, expenses, and profits.

In a way you can use this components to form a template for a business plan. we have provided sample business plan on this page to the right you can download and use them as you wish

Why Is a Business Plan Important?

A business plan is an important because it helps the investor in various ways. First, it provides a roadmap for the organisation, it outlines the strategies, goals, and objectives that will guide the needs to be followed. A well-written business plan can help the company track its progress and provides a benchmark to measure against. Second, a business plan helps with getting investors intrested in the venture, investment, or partnerships. Potential investors, lenders, or partners want to see a clear and detailed plan that demonstrates the company's potential for growth and profitability. Finally, a business plan helps with decision making within the organisation . By providing a comprehensive overview of the company's operations, market, and financials, the business plan can help managers make informed decisions that align with the company's goals and objectives.

What is Additional to a Business Plan over a Feasibility Study?

We get this query quite frequently. While crucial for determining whether a project or company idea is viable, a feasibility study is not the same as a business plan. A feasibility study focuses on evaluating the project's technical, economic, and market viability and is usually carried out prior to a business plan. A business plan, on the other hand, gives a thorough overview of the operations, market, and financials of the company and outlines the strategies and objectives that will lead the company forward. Finding potential risks and opportunities connected with a business idea or endeavor requires a feasibility study. It does not, however, offer the degree of specificity or strategic guidance that a business plan does. A business plan takes the results of the feasibility study and develops them into a comprehensive plan for the company's success.
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  • professional Business plan study consultants Dubai

Why Us

  • Knowledge of local market.
  • Full Fledged Market Research Team w.
  • Track record of creating successful plans.
  • Expertise across various industries, please check the sectors page.
  • Perosnnel with vast experience
  • Execution track record
  • Business plan in Dubai?
  • Business plan UAE
  • Business plan in Saudi?
  • Real estate Business plan
  • Hospitality Industry Business plan
  • Business plan E-commerce website
  • Business plan Mobile APP
  • School Business plan
  • E-commerce Business plan
  • professional Business plan study consultants Dubai

Why Us

  • Knowledge of local market.
  • Full Fledged Market Research Team w.
  • Track record of creating successful plans.
  • Expertise across various industries, please check the sectors page.
  • Perosnnel with vast experience
  • Execution track record